Come Volunteer with us at Gen Con 2015 Games on Demand!

Come Volunteer with us at Gen Con 2015 Games on Demand!

The time has finally come to officially sign up for Games on Demand at Gen Con! We’re looking for people to help us welcome attendees, organize seating, and run games for enthusiastic players!

The show runs from July 30 to August 2, 2015, and we’ll be running games from Thursday through Sunday morning. Free badges are available for those volunteering for 16 or more hours.

If you’re interested in joining us, fill out this form and let us know!

Diversity is an important part of Games on Demand so we especially encourage women, people of color, and gamers of all ages, genders, races, and backgrounds to join us! We’ll provide training and support as needed.

Please share this post and link with anyone you think would like to join us.

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  1. Okay to share with our larger gaming circles or targeted invites only at this point?

  2. Sure, share as you will!

  3. Form submitted, and I’m looking forward to participating!

  4. Steve Segedy This year Atlas Games has a 2 hour demo that I’ve written and which debuts at Origins Games on Demand. I’d like to make the demo available to GMs at GenCon who want to run FS2, also.

  5. How big are the time slots / would you mind describing the larping conditions a bit?

  6. The time slots are 2 hours but you can put two together for a longer game.

    The larps will be mostly 2 hours, occasionally longer, and will probably have up to 10-12 players max. We expect a lot of games from the Golden Cobra challenge will be offered.

    Evan Torner can say more about the larps if that’s your interest.

  7. I would so love to volunteer for this but it lands smack-dab in the middle of the family summer vacation back to Canada!

  8. J Li — Larps are run in a small room (maybe 15′ x 15′) all to ourselves near the large Games on Demand hall.

    Players muster for the larps the same as for Games on Demand. Mostly these players a mix of indie tabletop folks sympathetic to larp and newcomers who’ve never done one before.

    This year, we are more aggressively curating toward 2-hour rather than 4-

    hour games, because even the 4-hour games are unappealing in length to players who don’t want commit that much time to any one thing. If a 4-hour game doesn’t run, precious space is sitting unused for that length of time. There will still be a few 4-hour slots (mostly evenings). We also encourage larps that can accommodate a variable number of players, as interest may vary wildly.

    Golden Cobra games were designed specifically to address these constraints, which is why we’re stressing them this time around.

    We’d love to have you on the team!

  9. Okay, I just received my copy of “Legacy of the Slayer”, and it is DEFINITELY something I should add to my roster of games for GoD…should I fill the form out for a second time, or would that just be confusing? (“Legacy of the Slayer” is an indie narrative game, far more appropriate for GoD than the normal Buffy game, or Supernatural, which I also run every Gen Con.)

  10. No need to revise your submission, that was just to give the organizers a general idea of what we’ll have. We’ll ask again later what games you want to put on your menu.

  11. Excellent! Hopefully I’ll have more things nailed down by then, heh-heh.

  12. I am so sad right now that we’re not going to be able to commit to running anything, since we won’t know until the day of if I’ll even be there or what shape I’ll be in.

  13. Hey, so I submitted the form a while back (like 2 weeks ago) and haven’t gotten a confirmation or acknowledgement or anything like that.  Do I get to do this thing?  When does that information go out?

  14. Hi Rachael! Sorry for the radio silence. Yes, we have you on the list and we’re happy to have you as part of the team!

    I’m going to put together a mailing list for the volunteers and send out a message today. Thanks for the reminder. 

  15. Hooray!  I get to sit at the Cool Kids Table!  :D