Games on Demand: PAX Unplugged 2024

Games on Demand is once again planning to attend PAX Unplugged and we are in the process of gathering volunteers. We will be running indie tabletop RPGs are weekend long, on the hour every hour with an army of volunteers!

Would you like to be one of those volunteers? Join our Discord! If you do not use Discord, please email

Be sure to give yourself the Unplugged role in #⁠role-request and look at the most recent pins in the ⁠⁠#unplugged channel! Any volunteer who works ten or more hours is eligible for a free badge.

We have not changed our commitment to not attending conventions where a government that has the death penalty for queer and trans folks have a booth. We have reason to believe that will not be the case at Unplugged this year, so we are planning to be there in full force.

We can’t wait game with you!

Games on Demand at Gen Con Indy and Summer Knights Online – August 2024

This year, Games on Demand will once again be offering in-person games at Gen Con in Indianapolis! At the same time we’ll also be hosting games online through a new event called Summer Knights Online. Both events will take place on the first weekend of August, 2024!

Gen Con Indy – August 1-3, 2024

Games on Demand at Gen Con will be following our classic in-person format. The event will take place in the Westin Hotel in Grand Ballroom 3 on the second floor, near the convention center skywalk. Sessions will run from 2pm-10pm on Thursday and 10am-10pm on Friday and Saturday. There won’t be any sessions on Sunday.

If you’ll be attending Gen Con, we’d love to have you join us and play some games! No registration necessary, just bring some generic tickets and enthusiasm! And if you’d like to volunteer to run games or help us run the event, just fill out this volunteer form.

Summer Knights Online – August 2-4, 2024

Summer Knights Online is a new online charity convention being coordinated by several organizations including our own Games on Demand Online volunteers as well as Good Games for a Good Cause, RPG Alliance Con, and others. Proceeds from the event will support World Central Kitchen.

Unlike our in-person events, the schedule will be largely set in advance so that game runners and event runners know whether there is enough interest in their session to prepare.

Summer Knights Online is currently looking for game runners to offer more games and workshop/seminar presenters to propose more sessions. We will have independent RPGs, D&D, and other RPGs throughout the weekend. You can sign up and submit games here:

For questions and additional information, you can check out the Good Games for Good Cause Discord.

Games on Demand Responds to Qiddiya Gaming at PAX East

The leadership team for Games on Demand at PAX East has recently learned that Qiddiya Gaming has a large booth at PAX East 2024, and is listed on the PAX East website and in the PAX Nav app as a featured exhibitor. Qiddiya Gaming is an extension of the government of Saudi Arabia through the Public Investment Fund. The Saudi Arabian government has countless human rights violations, often carried out through its court system. We are significantly disappointed to learn that this group will be present and featured.

The core values of the current Saudi Arabian government starkly oppose the values of Games on Demand. We believe that gaming should be a welcoming community for all who come to the table to experience joy, and carry no ill intent towards their fellow players.

Games on Demand has been present at every PAX East since 2012. We have seen the PAX convention continuously work to make every gamer who comes to the table with a sincere desire to share their joy feel like a welcomed member of the community. The inclusion of Qiddiya goes against those efforts. One of the six rules of PAX is “Don’t harass anyone” and this group has gone far beyond breaking that rule.

With PAX East less than two weeks away, we have decided to remain a presence at this year’s show. We want to continue to offer a space where people feel valued, accepted, and welcomed.

We call on PAX and ReedPop to commit to their stated values by continuing to offer a safe space to gamers from those who actively seek to harm them. If groups like Qiddiya continue to be present, this Games on Demand team will no longer work with PAX.

With love for our gaming community,

Brian Liberge & Natalya Waye
Games on Demand
PAX East & PAX Unplugged

Games on Demand Online: Winter Games Feb. 16-18, 2024

Well, it’s been another year! Some things have changed. Some haven’t. One thing that hasn’t changed: Everyone still needs something to look forward to in February. It’s still cold and icy, most people aren’t holding conventions, and it still hasn’t got any long weekend holidays.

February: Still The Worst.
February: Still the worst, ever since the Roman Empire raided some days to get it over with sooner. (And possibly even before that.)

So here’s our solution to the February blahs: Games on Demand Online’s Winter Games on Feb. 16-18, 2024! Join game designers, game hosts, and players from all over the world at a convention held entirely online. No need to drive on ice or fight weather delayed flights! Make a cup of hot tea, wrap up with your favorite warm blanket, put on your fluffy slippers, and log in.

We want this convention to be available to everyone, so it’s still free! We’re also continuing to support accessibility, inclusion and safety guidance for game runners and players. We anticipate the game proposal form will be available by the end of the year.

In the meantime, join our Discord for the latest.

ETA: Registration is now open!

Registration is now open for Games on Demand Online 2024 . Woot! 🎉

Also, the Virtual Dealers’ Room is accepting links and descriptions of indie games and other convention-related dealer-room-style opportunities. Because everyone deserves a chance to browse for dice and blue wigs and cat meme shirts, even at virtual cons!

This is a community sourced dealers room! Please contribute links to anything you think others might like to know about – and if you go shopping at any of them, maybe mention that you were referred to them by Games on Demand Online, so they might consider running a session or a workshop sometime!

Still taking proposals if you are feeling inspired!

Got a game or a playtest or a workshop you’d like to run? Fill out our proposal form!

The Warhorn listings will be automatically updated from the proposal forms once a day.

Games on Demand at GenCon Online

Hello, indie game enthusiasts! Games on Demand’s GenCon presence will be at GenCon Online this year, meaning you can join us whether or not you’re in Iindianapolis!

We’ve proposed 20 games and seminars that you can play from wherever you are. The GenCon Online event calendar opens on June 30, and registration opens July 9.

Watch the GenCon Online page for more:

Where to find us:

Once the event registration system opens, search for “Games on Demand” in titles and descriptions, or look for events by the Indie Games Explosion group.