
The Origins Games Fair is held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio in June. Known for it’s friendly mid-west atmosphere, Origins is an absolute blast every year. Come for the games, the food (Jeni’s ice cream!), and the rockin’ gamers.

The event typically takes place in the Hyatt-Fairfield room and runs three sessions each day, from 9am-1pm, 2pm-6pm, and 8pm-midnight on Thursday through Saturday and 9am-1pm on Sunday. The event usually features LARPs on Demand as well!

Stop by with 2 generics per game, or buy tickets for timed slots ahead of time. If you want to see what’s on the menu, stop by about 10 minutes before each session and you’ll see what games you’ll have the ability to demand from our talented and friendly GMs.

What games can you expect? Here’s a list of likely suspects:

Dungeon World, Fate Core, Apocalypse World, Swords without Master, Feng Shui 2, Fiasco, Iron Edda, Monsterhearts, Night Witches, Mobilize, Cartel, The Fifth World, Urban Shadows, Ars Magica, Atomic Robo RPG, Burning Wheel, Cthulhu Dark, Demons at the Door, Dogs in the Vineyard, Dream Askew, Dresden Files RPG, Durance, Edge of Empire, Fate: Dragonriders!, Gamma World, Geasa, Golden Sky Stories, Heroine, Hexes and Eights, John Moulton, Kingdom, Montsegur 1244, Mouse Guard, Night’s Black Agents, Odyssey, Project: Dark, Psi*Run, Souls of Steel, Spark, Terrorform, Torchbearer, Trail of Cthulhu, World Wide Wrestling, Wrath of the Autarch, and more!

Come and join us this year!

Join the ongoing planning, excitement, and conversation on our Facebook page at Indie Games On Demand – Origins.

The 2017 Organizers are Kira Magrann, Eric Mersmann, and Steve Segedy

Kira Magrann  Eric Mersmann Steve Segedy

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