Games on Demand: PAX Unplugged 2024

Games on Demand is once again planning to attend PAX Unplugged and we are in the process of gathering volunteers. We will be running indie tabletop RPGs are weekend long, on the hour every hour with an army of volunteers!

Would you like to be one of those volunteers? Join our Discord! If you do not use Discord, please email

Be sure to give yourself the Unplugged role in #⁠role-request and look at the most recent pins in the ⁠⁠#unplugged channel! Any volunteer who works ten or more hours is eligible for a free badge.

We have not changed our commitment to not attending conventions where a government that has the death penalty for queer and trans folks have a booth. We have reason to believe that will not be the case at Unplugged this year, so we are planning to be there in full force.

We can’t wait game with you!

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