If you’re at PAX East this weekend, stop by the Games on Demand area in the Tabletop Hall and play some games with us! Here are a few of the games we’ll have on offer:
- Apocalypse World
- Atomic Robo
- Blades in the Dark
- Dungeon World
- Durance
- Fate Accelerated
- Fiasco
- Firebrands
- Hollowpoint
- Inspectres
- Kingdom
- Lady Blackbird
- Monsterhearts
- Playing Nature’s Year
- Shab al-Hiri Roach
- Ten Candles
- The Quiet Year
- The Skeletons
- The Ward
- To Serve Her Wintry Hunger
- World Wide Wrestling
While you’re in the area, be sure to check out the booths nearby that are be selling these great games, including Modern Myths, the Indie Bazaar, and Burning Wheel!