Thanks to all of you who joined as a volunteer or a player at the Gen Con 2018 Games on Demand! Despite our change in location to the Hyatt’s third floor, we managed to fill just about every game we had and put smiles on a lot of faces.
How did We Do?
If you’d like to give us your feedback about your experience with Games on Demand, we invite you to fill out our feedback survey!
Show Your Support!
Running this event has some costs, so if you had a good time at the show, consider throwing us a donation for supplies!
Join Us!
If you’re interested in volunteering with us at a future show or just want to know where the next event will take place, join our mailing list!
Overall Numbers
Our records are a little spotty, but this year we seated roughly 975 players in 198 games with a staff of more than 58 volunteers, including several who stepped in to help run games during the show. Thanks again for being part of this great year!
Read on for a full list of the games played by frequency.
Games Played
82+ Individual Game Titles, Including Tabletop and Larp!
Masks of the Mummy Kings (x10)
Axon Punk (x9)
Fiasco (x8)
Psi*Run (x7)
The Quiet Year (x7)
Best Friends Forever (x6)
inSpectres (x6)
Microscope (x6)
Zoetrope (x6)
After the War (x5)
Fate / Fate Accelerated (x5)
Technoir (x5)
Caravans (x4)
Dialect (x4)
Die Laughing (x4)
Envoys (x4)
Forest of Jade (x4)
Mesopotamians (x4)
Dungeon World (x3)
Free Spacer (x3)
Into the Odd (x3)
Monsterhearts (x3)
Rovers (x3)
Tales from the Loop (x3)
The Sword, The Crown, and the Unspeakable Power (x3)
World Wide Wrestling (x3)
Apocalypse World (x2)
Blades in the Dark (x2)
Capers (x2)
Disconnect (x2)
Dog Bear (x2)
Everyone’s a Suspect (x2)
Final Girl (x2)
Infinite Galaxies (x2)
Lancer (x2)
Monster of the Week (x2)
Murder Party (x2)
Mythender (x2)
Rusalka (x2)
Sig: Manual of the Primes (x2)
Spellbound Kingdoms (x2)
The Sprawl (x2)
The Watch (x2)
To Serve Her Wintry Hunger (x2)
Under the Glare of a Vengeful Sun (x2)
Upwind (x2)
Weird Wars (x2)
Xenolanguage (x2)
99 Curses (x1)
Age of Anarchy (x1)
All Outta Bubblegum (x1)
Apportionment (x1)
Band of Blades (x1)
Beastfucker (x1)
Betula (x1)
Black Code (x1)
Companions (x1)
Did I Fall Asleep? (x1)
Factory Reset (x1)
Fall of Magic (x1)
Flying Circus Valkyries (x1)
For the Queen (x1)
Funnel World (x1)
Goblin Quest (x1)
Gone (x1)
Here is My Power Button (x1)
Juggernaut (x1)
Be Your Best Keanu (x1)
Legacy of the Slayer (x1)
Metal Showcase (x1)
Prism (x1)
Project Violacea (x1)
Ryutama (x1)
Scum & Villiany (x1)
Strange Gravity (x1)
The Hood (x1)
The Ward (x1)
The Warren (x1)
Threadbare (x1)
The Tribunal (x1)
Twisted Carnival (x1)
Uranium Chef (x1)