Gencon Indie Games on Demand: GM Tutorial and Q+A

In case you missed it last night: Gencon Indie Games on Demand: GM Tutorial and Q+A

We’ll be covering all this again on Wednesday night at Gencon as well!

We talked about:

– how signups work

– how to prepare for your games

– what you’re responsible for as Host or GM

– pitching games to players

– teaching rules

– time management

– our harassment policy

– what to do about problems

– 2 and 4 hour time slots

– adult and queer content

– how much time to spend on intros

– and more!

Live action games at Gen Con!

Live action games at Gen Con!

This is only tangentially related to GoD but if you are into GoD this may excite you. Also we may poach GoD space after hours if that is possible.

There are a bunch of us who are really into focused live action games, American Freeform, parlor larps and the like, and we are all bringing crazy stuff to try out and share. I’d like to discuss this, make some rough plans, figure out the logistics, and see who is interested.

At Origins this year there was a Jeepform sampler (Previous Occupants and Lady & Otto), a session of The Tribunal, and my big game Sirai got run twice. At Gen Con there will be more people and more game!

So: If you are bringing stuff you’d like to run, shout it out here. If you definitely want to try some live action games, shout out here. If you have a line on a good play space … shout out here.

(originally posted by John Stavropoulos)

(originally posted by John Stavropoulos)


It’s coming!

Games On Demand (GoD) will be a premier event group for Gen Con 2013 this August 15th-18th!

Meaning, GoD will have the opportunity to be highlighted in Gen Con’s 2013 program guide. As well as priority placement, premium event chart listings, email blast advertising, and mentions on Gen Con’s website.

GoD this year is going to be an amazing opportunity. In 2012 we reached almost 1,400 player tickets and this year is only going to be bigger. But bigger isn’t always better, we also have many improvements on the way as we collected a ton of feedback last year. 

Please feel free to share!


Gen Con?

This biggest Gaming Con in the US with an attendance of around 40,000 people! More here:

Games on Demand?

Games on Demand is an open-gaming event put on at conventions where we run a variety of independent and cutting edge games.


Gaming conventions typically focus on scheduled games- you buy a ticket for an event, you find your seat, you play that game.  But sometimes slots fill up, you can’t find the games you want, or you don’t want to have to plan your schedule months in advance. Games on Demand gives you the opportunity to drop by and play! 

Which games?

Games on Demand focuses on small press and independent games but we’re pretty open. If there isn’t a place for your RPG at Gen Con, bring it to Games On Demand! We especially love different, new, and old gems that feel new again. And we love supporting indie and new small press publishers and game designers.

Who’s in charge?

Games on Demand is organized and run by friendly volunteers. We’re not in it for money or fame. We just love games and want to share the love. Different people lead Games on Demand at different conventions. At Gen Con, our leader is +Steve Segedy.

How do I play?

If you want to play, just show up before the slot begins (typically starting every even hour of the event), bring a generic ticket, talk with the hosts to find a game, and then sit down and play!

How do I volunteer to GM or Host?

We’re setting this up now but you can email me at and I will answer your questions and forward your info to Steve.

Do I get anything for GMing or Hosting?

Yes! If you volunteer to GM or Host at specific times for 16 hours (which can be as simple as 1 game a day, or 4 hours a day), you get a free badge to Gen Con! Your badge will be waiting for you at Gen Con. 

If you volunteer for 22-24 hours (we’re working on the specific hours now) you get a free badge AND 1/4th a nearby hotel paid for! We will try our best to work with you to help you find roommates that you’re comfortable with.

What if I already have a badge?

If you want to buy a badge before Gen Con so you can signup for other events, Gen Con will reimburse you.

Want more?

For the latest information, follow Games_On_Demand on Twitter:

When you’re ready to sign up to volunteer (for Gen Con, or even for PAX East  or Origins) drop us a line using this form:

We are ridiculously excited!