Game Directory at Origins Indie Games on Demand

The Game Directory for Origins

Is here! This is a list, although not exhaustive, of games we’ll be featuring at Indie Games on Demand at Origins. Take a look see!

Most certainly there’s games not on this list that our GMs would be interested in running. If you’re curious about something you’ve heard of but it’s not on this list, just ask. Also, not all GMs can run all games. Although that would be an amazing feat, we are limited by the games we enjoy and know how to run.



PAX East 2013 – Games on Demand

Planning has begun for Games on Demand at PAX East 2013 in Boston (March 22-24). The event will take place in the Tabletop hall again this year, and we’re working with organizers to secure space on the main aisle across from all the vendor booths.  Complimentary guest badges will be available to volunteers, giving you access to the show for the whole weekend. Volunteering involves a combination of hosting and running games you love for enthusiastic strangers, for a total of 12 hours over the course of the show. Everyone who volunteered last year said that it was a lot of fun. If you’re interested in joining us, just send us a message and let us know!