The Origins Game Fair is less than three weeks away! We’re gearing up for some fabulous gaming. Games on Demand at Origins this year will feature new small press games, experimental games run by the designers who created them, LongCon games that run multiple sessions, and freeform Larps on Demand! We’re looking forward to gaming with you. Stop by with a few generics, and we’ll guide you to an excellent time.
What games can you expect? Here’s a list of likely suspects:
Dungeon World, Fate Core, Apocalypse World, Swords without Master, Feng Shui 2, Fiasco, InSpectres, Iron Edda, Monsterhearts, Night Witches, Nobilis, The Fifth World, Urban Shadows, Ars Magica, Atomic Robo RPG, Burning Wheel, Clash, Cthulhu Dark, Demons at the Door, Bob’s Brain, Dogs in the Vineyard, Dream Askew, Dresden Files RPG, Durance, Edge of Empire, Fate: Dragonriders!, Gamma World, Geasa, Golden Sky Stories, Heroine, Hexes and Eights, How To Be Human, Itras By, John Moulton, Kingdom, Montsegur 1244, Mouse Guard, Mutanthearts, Night’s Black Agents, Odyssey, Project: Dark, Psi*Run, Silent Night, Souls of Steel, Spark, Tabletop Blockbuster, Terrorform, The Warren, TimeWatch, Torchbearer, Trail of Cthulhu, World Wide Wrestling, Wrath of the Autarch, and more!