Gen Con 2014 – Thanks for Your Feedback and Support!

Another year of Games on Demand at Gen Con has come and gone and all data has been compiled – We had around 90 volunteers this year, working hard to organize everything and be ready to run 310 games for 1452 players in just 4 days! Wow, what a huge year! It was a great show and we’re very happy with the results.

We know that many of you have feedback about the show as well, and we’d like to hear from you. We’ve put together a Google survey to collect some basic data from you as well your observations and ideas. This is also a great opportunity to tell us you’d like to join us as a volunteer next year!

Give Us Your Feedback!

Also, if you played with us this year and had a good time, please consider dropping some change in our tip jar to support the event. The cost of a generic ticket goes entirely to Gen Con, and only helps us get the space and GM badges to run the event. Your donations will help repay our volunteers for the cost of materials for the show- menus, signage, and other supplies.

Thanks as always for joining us at Games on Demand and helping us to celebrate our favorite games!

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