The Call for Gen Con Volunteers is Now Open!
If you’ve been waiting for the opportunity to sign up for Gen Con Games on Demand, the time is now! This event will take place in Indianapolis, IN, August 17-20th. We hope that you’ll join us and help to make this year our best event so far!
To sign up, just fill out this form before June 5th, 2017:
Once you sign up, we’ll add your email to our volunteer mailing list and follow up with more information soon, including a request to gather details about the games you want to run. Read on for more details about the event!
Volunteer Commitment and Benefits
For those that are new to volunteering, we need both enthusiastic people to run games as well as organized and outgoing hosts to help players find games they’ll love. We also need organizers to help us put the event together over the next few months.
Volunteers committing to 16 or more hours get a free GM badge for the show, and you can get your existing badges refunded.
Volunteers will also get special passes that give them first choice of games when they come back to play, as our way of saying thanks!
What’s New in 2017
This year the Downtown Marriott is under renovation, so the excellent space that we’ve enjoyed for the last few years isn’t available. Instead, our event will be held on the second floor of the Hyatt Regency hotel in Ballrooms A & B. This means that we’ll need to work a little harder to let everyone know where to find us.
So even if you can’t volunteer, we hope we’ll see you there as a player and that you’ll tell your friends where to go for some great games!
Our Games are for Everyone
At Games on Demand we would like to conceive of our event as inclusive, queer-friendly, and welcoming to gamers of all backgrounds and abilities. We expect that you as volunteers will help us achieve this goal as well! If you know anyone who might be able to help, please encourage them to volunteer as well.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!