Games on Demand: PAX Unplugged 2024

Games on Demand is once again planning to attend PAX Unplugged and we are in the process of gathering volunteers. We will be running indie tabletop RPGs are weekend long, on the hour every hour with an army of volunteers!

Would you like to be one of those volunteers? Join our Discord! If you do not use Discord, please email

Be sure to give yourself the Unplugged role in #⁠role-request and look at the most recent pins in the ⁠⁠#unplugged channel! Any volunteer who works ten or more hours is eligible for a free badge.

We have not changed our commitment to not attending conventions where a government that has the death penalty for queer and trans folks have a booth. We have reason to believe that will not be the case at Unplugged this year, so we are planning to be there in full force.

We can’t wait game with you!

Games on Demand Responds to Qiddiya Gaming at PAX East

The leadership team for Games on Demand at PAX East has recently learned that Qiddiya Gaming has a large booth at PAX East 2024, and is listed on the PAX East website and in the PAX Nav app as a featured exhibitor. Qiddiya Gaming is an extension of the government of Saudi Arabia through the Public Investment Fund. The Saudi Arabian government has countless human rights violations, often carried out through its court system. We are significantly disappointed to learn that this group will be present and featured.

The core values of the current Saudi Arabian government starkly oppose the values of Games on Demand. We believe that gaming should be a welcoming community for all who come to the table to experience joy, and carry no ill intent towards their fellow players.

Games on Demand has been present at every PAX East since 2012. We have seen the PAX convention continuously work to make every gamer who comes to the table with a sincere desire to share their joy feel like a welcomed member of the community. The inclusion of Qiddiya goes against those efforts. One of the six rules of PAX is “Don’t harass anyone” and this group has gone far beyond breaking that rule.

With PAX East less than two weeks away, we have decided to remain a presence at this year’s show. We want to continue to offer a space where people feel valued, accepted, and welcomed.

We call on PAX and ReedPop to commit to their stated values by continuing to offer a safe space to gamers from those who actively seek to harm them. If groups like Qiddiya continue to be present, this Games on Demand team will no longer work with PAX.

With love for our gaming community,

Brian Liberge & Natalya Waye
Games on Demand
PAX East & PAX Unplugged

PAX Unplugged 2020

Games on Demand - PAX Unplugged

PAX Unplugged is coming in early December and Games on Demand will be there yet again. We are looking for volunteers to run games and host at the front desk.

For Unplugged our GMs can bring two games that run in either two- or four-hour blocks. You can sign up by filling out this form. You can also Join our Discord chat channel to start talking to the community.

We do have a limited number of badges available for those who need them and are willing to volunteer for at least twelve hours. Reach out on the Discord or contact us by email with any questions.